More Ramblings about Artisan Issues and Why I Love Dahlonega

I feel passionately about fair trade and artisan issues, I suppose, because I’m an artist.

We have a very cool business here in town called Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee. Their vision is to create a market for their gourmet coffee because it is paving the way for a community in Rwanda to have coffee washing facilities which promote tribal reconciliation and give the village a way to participate in a larger economy; hopefully this will be a way out of poverty and strife. I think that, in a way, we Americans have to not only support these types of goods, but recognize that they way that they have to compete is the way that we artists, musicians, craftsmen, even manufacturers have to compete.

The efficiency of our market has made huge cargo containers of cheap, anonymous, inefficiently transported goods the norm. We have to fight that shopping ethic, as it were, and show our customers that it feels good to buy directly from the producer, the craftsman, the artist. It’s greener, it’s more human, it recognizes the value of art, chairs, music, beer, and purses which are made on a small scale. The idea parallels the local food movement.Furthermore, we are fighting an economic battle for market share that we cannot win against other countries, if we vie for a spot selling the cheapest and quickest. Why not drop out and change the paradigm?

It makes me so happy to go to college towns and see the more vibrant art communities and restaurants. The college kids know how to do it! Dahlonega, Georgia is like that. North Georgia College is there, and so is The Crimson Moon Cafe, which has the best sandwiches in North Georgia and often has live music. Best of all, Dahlonega has a tiny shop run by a single potter, Brad Walker. Scott and I love going into his place and seeing him work. We always get a bowl or a mug, and I walk away so happy to know that craftsmen like Brad can actually make their way in this world.

I hope there are others out there who feel as I do, and I hope that continuing to be involved in arts and crafts is something that will always be a part of my own life. Send me your thoughts on the artisan movement.


I'd like to invite you to look at my portfolio and works for sale at and, if you wish, my current fine art items on ebay. Have a wonderful artsy day!


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