Bird in a Stained Glass Garden

This one was a bit impulsive, an "end of the day" painting inspired by nothing more than the great gobs of paint that were going to get wasted. Here it is on etsy: Bird in a Stained Glass Garden It's nice when the colors themselves can carry you away and prompt the painting to go in different directions. the birds, however, usually impose themselves from my head, but that's ok: I think they usually work. It ended up reminding me of fiery colors at sunset, together with brights and mysterious deep places in a tended garden....hence the name "Bird in a Stained Glass Garden." I hope you enjoy looking! It's on etsy now and is a 16" x 20" alkyd on stretched canvas, with painted black edges. Quite a personality.

Here's hoping today brings inspiration and illuminating shafts of light. It's all beginning again, and I hope we're up to the challenge.
check out the ebook page on my website for watercolor demos and crochet patterns!

if you'd like you can see my hobby: the crochet patterns I create for etsy:


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