Going nuts with Tiny Art!

I love art cards; you might not know it, but I do indeed keep coming back again and again to the tiny format.
This one's on my etsy store, you can see it here.

Anyway, back to the mini format: try it!! It's so therapeautic, it's almost like putting your head inside a box and getting lost in a tiny world. I find that it focuses my impulses and enforces a thoughtfulness as well as a daring willingness to take risk. I guess it's that there's little to lose, but I swear there's also something about zooming in that sharpens one's senses! It makes it so much easier to get "in the zone," and is a refuge in my artistic life. 

All the more when the subject matter is abstract landscape or fantasy art! This one has an inscription on the back: "Dance Dream Soar" which expresses my state of mind when a fantasy subject and a lighthearted palette of colors is chosen. 

If you enjoy this, come back later to see a post about tiny fantasy art made into pendants, another obsession from the last week!



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